Monday, November 28, 2011

OE vs Ubuntu ARM

As I spend more time looking into Ubuntu, I can't but help see the huge differences in philosophy. OE still seems very amateurish, very hobby oriented, while Ubuntu reminds me of IBM and processes. To contribute to OE, one sends a patch. To contribute to Ubuntu one needs to first read through their wiki and understand all the Business Process Jargon.

More later

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Rootstock makes it easy

Tried out rootstock yesterday. It really rocks. I have been using Openembedded at work for over a year now, but rootstock is quite different. OE follows the Gentoo philosophy where you start from scratch and build everything. Rootstock on the other hand just puts together a filesystem by downloading pre-built .debs from ubuntu.

On the whole, OE allows for more fine-grained control but for Rootstock seems to be much easier to use.