Thursday, June 15, 2006

Webdav and

Systems Boy has an excellent post on publishing ical calendars on the net using link.

Going further, I tried to find some tools that use webdav. One option is to use tcl vfs. However, this is pretty useless if one is behind a corporate firewall. Next I found a tool called cadaver. Again this doesn't have proxy support.

In the end hunting around, I found that IE itself supports webdav. The only thing is that they don't call it webdav. Instead they call it webfolders! Believe it or not this info comes from mozilla.

So here is what to do if you want to have a 1 GB of storage space on the net.
1. signup with
2. start IE and do file->open "". Check the option for webfolders
3. Voila!! Now you can store/retrieve files from!!

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