Friday, December 16, 2011

Get a working ubuntu armel system from ubuntu core

This uses qemu-arm to set things up in 10 simple steps

1. Download the latest rootfs from
2. sudo untar it into a directory say arm-rootfs
3. cd arm-rootfs
4. cp /usr/bin/qemu-static-arm usr/bin. This will run for every command
5. cp /etc/resolv.conf etc/. This is so that we can get network access
6.  for m in `echo 'sys dev proc'`; do sudo mount /$m ./$m -o bind; done
5. Now sudo chroot . /bin/bash
6. apt-get update
7. Now run all the commands you need to finish downloading and installing software.
8 In the end unmount all the bound points  - for m in `echo 'sys dev proc'`; do sudo umount ./$m; done
9. Create the a tar ball
10. Publish!

Tips from

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