1 News
1.1 Links
- Real Catapult for Angry birds using Bluetooth - http://armdevices.net/2012/11/02/angry-birds-bluetooth-catapult-with-arm-cortex-m3-and-sensors/
- Gentoo forks UDEV http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.project/2262. The actual fork is available at https://github.com/gentoo/udev-ng. Also see Linus's point on UDEV. IMHO, the tying up of UDEV and systemd is a problem for Ubuntu and other distros that don't want to use systemd but something else like upstart or even SysV init.
- LDT (Linux Driver Template) posted to LKML. This is really worth looking at for any new drivers that we need to develop - https://lkml.org/lkml/2012/11/13/531
- Here's something that Assembler programmers will enjoy reading. Raymond Chen shows how he hard patched MS Money -http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2012/11/13/10367904.aspx
1.2 Releases
- Pendrive linux users will love this - SLAX 7 RC1 is out - http://www.tomas-m.com/blog/19139-Slax-7-release-candidate-1.html.
- Its five years since Android was announced. The original announcement was made in 2007 - http://www.openhandsetalliance.com/press_110507.html. After Cupcake, Eclair, Froyo hit the mainstream in Aug 2010. That was followed by Gingerbread in Dec 2010 and Honeycomb, ICS and JB following those. A couple of days ago, Google announced the availability of JB SDK - http://android-developers.blogspot.in/2012/11/introducing-android-42-new-and-improved.html
1.3 Industry
- Aptina announces new Sensors for the Auto market - http://www.aptina.com/news/press/new_image_co-processor_platform_powers_aptina_hdr_automotive_image_sensors?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PressReleases-AptinaImaging+%28Press+Releases+-+Aptina%29
- Exynos5 based dev board - Dual-A15 $249 - http://www.arndaleboard.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
- Likewise, a Snapdragon 8060 based dev board - Dual-Krait $498 - http://www.intrinsyc.com/products/qualcomm/dragonboard.aspx
- Microsoft has shared their roadmap for Embedded - http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/news/Features/2012/Nov12/11-13EmbeddedRoadmap.aspx
- With ARM announcing that their 64bit devices (Cortex-A57 and Cortex-A53) http://www.arm.com/products/processors/cortex-a50/index.php, Linaro has also announced the creation of an ARM exterprise/servers group - LEG http://www.linaro.org/news/release/industry-leaders-collaborate-to-accelerate-software-ecosystem-for-arm-servers-and-join-linaro/en.
- AIA announces USB3 Vision standard that is developed specifically for Vision and Cameras. The standard should have BW of 350 Mbps. I don't have the details fully though - http://www.visiononline.org/vision-standards-details.cfm?type=11 and http://www.packagingdigest.com/article/522674-USB3_Vision_Standard.php are some sources of information that I came across.
- Paper from Dundee University on using Kinect to control optical tweezers - http://arxiv.org/pdf/1211.0220v1.pdf
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