Sunday, February 17, 2013

Installing Freebsd 9.1 on an USB Stick

If you want to evaluate Freebsd, then the quickest way to do that is by trying it out on with USB stick. However the download page does not have USB images and instead there is an ISO file to burn on a CD.

Here are my instructions for installing Freebsd on an USB memory stick. Tried and tested on Freebsd 9.1.

1. Download and install mfsbsd from Pick the usb image and flash to the USB stick that you want to use.
2. To flash the image on MacOS, run diskutil list to find the drive. Then run diskutil umountDisk diskX to umount all partitions on it. Finally run dd if=mfsbsd-9.1-RELEASE-i386.img of=/dev/rdiskX bs=4m to write the image to the USB Stick.
3. Reboot and boot from the USB Stick. This will drop you into the mfsbsd prompt. Goto /dev and see what daX devices are present. Use fdisk to figure out which one maps to your USB drive.
4. Now run bsdinstall from /usr/sbin. When choosing the location to install, pick the same daX device that maps to the USB Stick.
5. ????
6. Profit.

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